9 horrible Angel Hernandez calls to remember as the embattled umpire retires

A look back at some bad Angel Hernandez calls

After decades calling games and irking everyone from baseball players to announcers to fans, umpire Angel Hernandez is calling it quits.

That led to seamheads everywhere sharing their favorite bad calls from the ump who everyone loved to hate, and now that he’s retiring, the spotlight will swing to other umpires and their calls that we’ll share because they’re so bad.

Before that happens, it’s a good time to look back at some of the absolutely terrible calls we’ve seen from Hernandez over the years that we’ve featured here on For The Win. Here’s a sampling of 10 rough moments:

This call got Phil Nevin so mad.

It was 3.35 inches off the plate!

He wasn’t the first player to lose his cool with Hernandez.

This one got a lot of attention.

He wasn’t just bad behind the plate!

Not great for Hernandez!

Just weird all around.

These pitches were not strikes.

This is from earlier in the week.