7 things we learned from Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes’ GQ magazine feature

What did we learn about Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes from his feature in August’s issue of GQ magazine?

Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images

Has Mahomes thought about what happens if there is no NFL season in 2020?

“Even though those financial concerns have evaporated in a $503 million poof! the coronavirus created an entirely new set of problems. What if he lost a year when he was playing at historic levels and somehow still getting better, when his popularity was at an all-time high? What would that feel like? What would he do with all that time?

“‘I have zero idea,’ he said. ‘Literally no idea.'”

There still exists the possibility, however unlikely, that the COVID-19 pandemic prevents an NFL season from happening. It’d be absolutely heart-wrenching for Chiefs fans, who’ve waited a lifetime for a quarterback like Mahomes, to somehow lose out on a season of his career. But how would Mahomes feel? What would he do with his time if the season suddenly didn’t happen? The answer is that he hasn’t the slightest idea.

We can assume that he’ll probably stick to his offseason routine, which consists of training, video games and golf, among other things.