6 reasons the Patriots won’t tank after Tom Brady’s exit

The Patriots won’t crumble in 2020 even with Tom Brady’s exit.

Credit: Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports

We are talking about Bill Belichick

Belichick didn’t suddenly go from being a genius and considered by many to be the best coach of all time to a bumbling coach who doesn’t know how to use timeouts or build a team. He’s been prepared for this for a while. He knew this day would come. If he was nervous about Brady leaving he would have fawned over the six-time Super Bowl winner and given him whatever he wanted in terms of cash and control.

Plus, this is the exact type of challenge that will energize Belichick. Like anyone who excels in their field, Belichick has an ego. He will want to prove to naysayers that he can win without Brady. He will be more focused than ever on building a winner. The man hates losing more than anything. He’d never want to sacrifice a year.