6 frequently used UFC referees who competed as MMA fighters

From Herb Dean to Keith Peterson, check out these videos of referees throwing punches as competitors.

The third man in the cage isn’t why the masses tune in to watch fights.

However, officials used by major promotions on a frequent basis often rack up more cage-time on international airwaves than the athletes they oversee.

Week after week, the officials grace the streams of MMA fans around the world. With that, a sense of familiarity is built. They become household names among viewers.

While they may have gained fame through officiating fights, many referees got started as competitors themselves – just check the tape.

Buried in the bowels of YouTube are some of the most popular referees in MMA today throwing punches, kicks, and elbows. Scroll below to watch six referees frequently used by the UFC, Bellator, and PFL compete in MMA bouts.