6 Bears players that regressed in 2019

There were plenty of players that contributed to the disappointment of the Bears’ 2019 season, but these six stood apart from the rest.

Entire Bears offensive line

AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall

There were no shortage of struggles on the Bears offense in 2019, but one of the major areas of concern was the play of the offensive line. Given the fact that the Bears have invested a ton of money in the offensive line, you expect the production to be better than it was.

Ultimately the Bears are stuck with what they’ve got in 2020. But this will be the last season where the Bears are strapped by the massive contracts of their tackles in Charles Leno Jr. and Bobby Massie. With Kyle Long’s retirement, the Bears will be looking for a new right guard in 2020. Maybe that comes in-house with Alex Bars or perhaps the Bears turn to the NFL Draft, where they could also look for tackles to replace Leno or Massie in the future.

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