I spend too much of my life scrolling Twitter. That’s something I’ve known for a long time but still continue to do it. However, late last night I saw a tweet that it was the 28th anniversary of the movie “Rudy” being released in theatres.
I was in second grade at the time and my parents took me to see it that fall right as Notre Dame was in the middle of a national championship race that was only making my young Irish fandom grow by the week. The movie only made me like Notre Dame football more and to this day if its on TV you can bet I’m not going to be changing the channel until it’s over.
That said, I’ve still got a few issues with it.
Joe Montana went through and detailed flaws with the movie long ago but I’ve got a few of my own I need to get off my chest and the 28th anniversary (+1 day) of it’s theatrical release is just the time to do it.