4-Down Territory: Super Bowl LVIII recap edition

Now that Super Bowl LVIII is in the books, and the Chiefs are the repeat champions, Doug Farrar and Kyle Madson break it down in “4-Down Territory.”

Now that Super Bowl LVIII is in the books, and the Kansas City Chiefs are the first team to repeat as champs since the 2003-2004 New England Patriots, it’s time for Doug Farrar of Touchdown Wire, and Kyle Madson of Niners Wire, to review the biggest game of the season in  “4-Down Territory.”

This week, the guys have some serious questions to answer:

  1. What does this loss do to Kyle Shanahan, as we have to add it to the other Super Bowl losses?
  2. How might we look at Andy Reid differently now that he has three Lombardi Trophies in five years?
  3. Is Patrick Mahomes the greatest quarterback ever? And if not, what’s the argument against it?
  4. Finally, where do the Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers go from here?

You can watch this week’s “4-Down Territory” right here:

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