49ers still haven’t decided on starting CB opening

The San Francisco 49ers haven’t decided on a starting cornerback across from Richard Sherman.

The 49ers are just a few days away from final cuts, but they haven’t made any decisions on their open cornerback job across from Richard Sherman.

Defensive coordinator Robert Saleh on Thursday told reporters in a video conference that they’re still evaluating who will be their second starting cornerback on the outside.

“But, as far as the corner spot, Kyle (Shanahan), obviously, he’s heavily involved,” Saleh said. “We’re evaluating it every day and when coach Shanahan is ready to pull the trigger, he’ll pull the trigger. As of now, it’s still a work in progress.”

It’s not a surprise the 49ers are taking their time in their evaluation. While cuts are quickly approaching, all three players vying for that job figure to make the roster. Depth charts don’t have to be ironed out until kickoff of Week 1.

Emmanuel Moseley, Ahkello Witherspoon and Jason Verrett are all battling for the starting spot according to reports from camp. Witherspoon started last year, Moseley wound up finishing the season as the starter, and Verrett has been working with the first team in practices.

The 49ers are looking for a consistent option opposite Sherman after a series of up-and-down performances a season ago. Witherspoon is talented, but inconsistent. Moseley played well down the stretch, but wasn’t good enough to win the job out of camp, and Verrett has had trouble staying healthy.

Cornerback and a couple of offensive line spots are the starting jobs still really up in the air approaching the lead up to Week 1. It’s unlikely we find out the starters until closer to game day though as teams vie for maximum secrecy heading into the regular season.