4 things to know about new Chiefs RB DeAndre Washington

Get to know the newest running back for the Kansas City Chiefs.

Photo by Brett Carlsen/Getty Images

He’s excited for the opportunity to work with Andy Reid

Washington is really excited to get a chance to work with Big Red in Kansas City. He’s been a fan of his, and the running backs that he’s coached, for a very long time. Now he gets a chance to learn from someone that he has a tremendous amount of respect for.

“I think it’s just his creativity,” Washington said of Reid. “It’s one of those deals where he can run the same play a hundred different ways, and I just think that puts a lot of pressure on defenses when you’re able to dress up a play but once you really strip it down it’s kind of the same play. Just his creativity and getting guys involved. Getting guys to play to their strengths, so I’m looking forward to that. Like I said, I’ve been following Andy Reid for a long time, so it’s definitely an honor to be able to play with him.”
Certainly, Reid will find many different ways to utilize Washington and get the absolute most out of him on the football field.