4 reasons the latest CBA offer may be ratified even with some players protesting the deal

Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports It seems like it’s really easy to find players who don’t like the current collective bargaining agreement offer. Russel Wilson made his opinion known via Twitter: The @NBA & @MLB are doing it right. Players come …

(Photo by Brett Carlsen/Getty Images)

Fan backlash

As bad as it sounds a lot of fans somehow always end up backing the billionaires in the billionaires versus millionaires battle. That’s just how it is. Nuance is not a strength of the masses. The owners have a much more effective apparatus when it comes to getting out their message. They have contacts with reporters and large companies that cover the league. The players simply don’t have the same tools they can use nor do they have the bank accounts to match the owners in an all-out labor war. It’s an unfortunate reality. It’s unfair, but that’s the position the players are in.