4 reasons John Harbaugh should win NFL’s Coach of the Year award

Baltimore Ravens coach John Harbaugh seems like the presumptive winner of the NFL’s Coach of the Year award but here’s why he should get it

One of the best offenses in NFL history

Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports

Granted, Harbaugh isn’t the team’s offensive coordinator and praise should rightfully go to Greg Roman for the work he’s done this year. But Harbaugh shouldn’t be completely forgotten either.

No scheme gets implemented without a head coach’s signature and Baltimore completely redid their playbook this offseason down to the language used. That’s a gutsy call to make, as is going with a rather unconventional look with a far-from-standard quarterback. And you can thank Harbaugh for not only agreeing to the changes but wholeheartedly buying into it.

And now, the Ravens have quarterback Lamar Jackson as the MVP frontrunner, an NFL record rushing attack and several franchise records shattered along the way. It’s the league’s top-scoring unit while ranking second in yards. They’ve been deadly efficient when they need to be but can still grind a game away like no other team has this season.

Baltimore’s offense will go down as one of the most prolific units in NFL history, earning a name as rich as “the greatest show on turf.” Both Harbaugh and Roman will be considered the chief architects of it.