25 Worst College Football, Basketball Schools of 2021-2022: Who Didn’t Have Enough Fun?

25 worst schools in both football and basketball in 2021-2022 – which fan bases didn’t get to have enough fun in the two big sports?

Which schools had the roughest season in the two major college sports? Here are the 25 that had the toughest 2021-2022 on the field and court.

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Which college fan bases didn’t get to have enough fun?

Some schools were able to get to a bowl game, but still had a losing football season to go along with a dud of a basketball campaign.

Some schools had a winning season on the hardwood but didn’t get into the NCAA Tournament to make up for an awful year in football. So …

Which schools that play FBS football – 130 schools – and Division I basketball had the worst 2021-2022 seasons in both major sports?

To get on this list, 1) a school had to either have a losing season in both major sports, or 2) suffer a losing season in football – sorry, but football is more important revenue-wise, and in other key areas, than basketball – and miss out on the NCAA Tournament in hoops.

There were more than 25 schools that fit the criteria, but these 25 were able to rise above – or, really, below – the rest.

The Hoops & Helmets Ranking from last season is out of 130 teams.