21 cities that could possibly get an MLB team

As the possibility of the MLB expanding to 32 teams becomes more likely, let’s take a look at 21 cities waiting in the on-deck circle.


(Photo by Kyodo News via Getty Images)

Montreal and the MLB are back in the news lately, thanks to the Washington Nationals—the post-evacuation franchise created after Montreal split town for the start of the 2005 season. I guess you don’t know what you got…till it wins a World Series.

No shame for the Expos, though, as interest for the team back in the early 2000s was dwindling, quickly, and teetered on embarrassing. But a second go-round for Montreal might be possible. It is still a gigantic market, second to only Toronto in Canada, and has the geographic location that could grab markets in Upstate New York. Rumors that some of Montreal’s big-wig investment types have their collective eyes set on the Peel Basin, where a new stadium would be built.

Whether that means for a new team—or as a timeshare for the Tampa Bay Rays—remains to be seen.

Odds: 6 out of 10