2023 NFL GM rankings: The 5 best and 5 worst execs, starring Howie Roseman

Some of the guys on this list have built budding dynasties. Others just ruin their team’s hopes to contend.

Every star-studded Super Bowl contender has a mastermind pulling all the right strings behind the scenes. Without a quality general manager, most great, even good, teams never even launch off the ground.

And a quality GM is responsible for everything. They spend months scouting comprehensive draft classes. They have to massage their franchise’s salary cap when it comes time to make difficult financial choices. Even smaller decisions, like offseason training programs and equipment at the team’s facilities, are up to them. If we’re being forthright, a quality NFL GM has their fingerprints everywhere.

This isn’t necessarily a good thing for everyone.

Some GMs aren’t up to the task of having every important football decision come across their desk. They seemingly run their team like a 15-year-old kid playing Madden’s franchise mode who simulates all the smaller but essential details. And then it’s no wonder when their squads get obliterated every time they play a game.

For The Win’s 2023 preseason GM rankings centers on the folks who aren’t overwhelmed when they read one contract page on Over The Cap. It also highlights the people slowly but surely driving their franchises into the ground. After all, we have to see both sides of the coin.