2020 NFL Draft player comps that matter: Silver screen edition

Hollywood gets football right. From “The Program” to “Rudy” football movies inspire. What comparisons be found in the 2020 NFL Draft?

Lloyd Cushenberry/Damien Lewis – Andre and Jamal Jackson, OGs, The Replacements

(AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)

We then return to the Washington Sentinels, and while this draft class does not give us a pair of twins to choose from, we can find the next best thing: A pair of teammates.

Andre and Jamal Jackson were a stout pair of offensive guards who, when they could not make a career in professional football stick, turned to a life of private security. But when Jimmy McGinty came calling, the twins returned to the gridiron. When they were not clearing a path for the Sentinels running game, they were making sure that their quarterback was protected on and off the field.

While Lewis and Cushenberry are not known for defending Joe Burrow’s ride in the parking lot, they did a tremendous job protecting him this past season during LSU’s ride to a National Championship. With Cushenberry at the center spot and Lewis at right guard, Burrow was kept clean most of the time he dropped to pass. But both players – like their silver screen counterparts – relished the fight in the trenches, and more often than not came out on top in those battles.