2020 NFL Combine: Offensive Tackle Prospects, Invites, What To Watch For

Rankings and what to watch for out of all the offensive tackle prospects invited to the 2020 NFL Combine.

1. Jedrick Wills, Alabama 6-5, 320 (Top ten overall)

Why He’s Here On The List: Just say this every year – he’s an Alabama offensive tackle. Out of central casting, he’s an NFL left tackle to build an entire line around with the bulk to handle himself just fine against the bulkier linemen, and the experience to get the job done in pass protection. There are other terrific-looking tackle prospects this year, but Wills is it. He’s what the NFL wants.

What The NFL Types Want To See: Just don’t be painful in the drills. There’s no real concern here, and there’s a chance he destroys a large portion of the workout, but as long as he’s fine and looks the part, everyone will be cool. However …

Bottom Line: It’s all there, and the knocks will all be nitpicking. He might not be as shiny or as fun as one of the quarterbacks or Chase Young, but you’re not totally insane to suggest that he might just be the best player in the draft. He’s as good as any of the left tackle prospects Nick Saban has sent to the league.

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