10 bad things I’m thinking about the Cowboys 2022 season

Kumbaya and all that, but there’s always two sides to a coin. @KDDrummondNFL checks in with a look at some concerns for the Cowboys heading into the 2022 opener.

The Dallas Cowboys have a lot on the line in 2022, or do they? Depending on one’s perspective, the moves the front office made during the offseason can be interpreted a bunch of different ways. This spring, instead of making the kinds of moves that inspire often-misplaced joy and hope, the Cowboys stood pat when it came to talent acquisition. They made draft choices that weren’t nearly as sexy as they could have been.

A large portion of the fanbase feels they’ve regressed while those, and others who may be more even keeled, wonder if they are all in. Is the concern warranted? In the first of a two-part series, a look at the key anxiety-causing negatives. To be clear, these aren’t predictions of what will happen, but rather fears that run counter to a hopeful gaze into the future.