You have tickets for the 2020 Masters. Now what?

You’ve waited perhaps your whole life to make the trek to Augusta, Georgia, in April but now those plans are off. Here’s an FAQ on tickets.

The 2020 Masters Tournament, originally set for April 9-12, is off for now, postponed as the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic.

There has been some chatter that the Masters could be held in October. Or the event may not take place at all in 2020 and we’ll all just look ahead to 2021.

But what are you supposed to do if you have tickets for this year’s event?

There’s an informative Frequently Asked Questions page on the official Masters website, which was posted on March 27, 2020. The information there is subject to change at any time, so check back as needed.

What should I do with my tickets?

The Masters site informs ticket holders to hold on to them and to “secure your tickets in a safe location to be used at a future date. If the Masters Tournament is rescheduled, your existing tickets will be used for entry.”

Are my tickets still good if the 2020 Masters is rescheduled?

This is a good one to know. Your 2020 tickets will be valid if the Masters is rescheduled. The Masters website again stresses keeping your tickets in a safe location until more information is available.

Can I sell my 2020 Masters tickets?

Ah, the selling of Masters tickets. Every year, you’ll find scores of tickets and badges for sale on a variety of secondary-market ticket sites, but Masters officials repeatedly say that the Masters is the only official distributor of tickets. On the FAQ page, they remind everyone of that: “Our policies do not permit any outside sales or re-selling of our tickets/badges.”

What if the 2020 Masters is canceled?

Refunds will be issued “to those patrons who purchased tickets directly from Augusta National Golf Club.”

Can I get a refund if I bought tickets from someone other than Augusta National Golf Club?

Here’s the official Masters answer: “Refunds will be issued only to those who purchased tickets directly from Augusta National Golf Club.”

As if you had to ask that one.

If the 2020 Masters is canceled, can I buy the same tickets for 2021?

The FAQ page explains it like this: “Yes. Patrons receiving refunds will be given the opportunity to purchase the same tickets for the 2021 Masters Tournament. In order to do so, a patron must complete a 2021 ticket application during the application window which usually takes place in June.”

I don’t have 2020 tickets but I want some for 2021. How do I apply?

“Go to and complete a ticket application during the June 2020 application window. All previous applicants and new registrants will be notified, via email, when the 2021 ticket application is available online.”

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