Wyoming Looking At “Buy” College Basketball Games To Make Up Lost Revenue

Wyoming is looking to make up for some lost revenue buy searching for a “buy” game in basketball.

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Wyoming Looking At “Buy” College Basketball Games To Make Up Lost Revenue

Cowboys may need to schedule likely losses just for money.

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Duke, Kentucky, Arizona?

The lack of fans for the college football season is going to leave a lot of universities lacking for funds. This could bleed over into college basketball or if things turn around quickly, one way to make up some of the lost money would be to take to the road and play high-profile teams that pay money.

If fans are allowed that would be a great idea and one Wyoming athletics director Tom Burman is looking into. The school is already getting $90,000 for a Nov. 20 game at Arizona, so looking for another one would be better than nothing, however, that is not going well.

“We’re still looking, but we have not found one and we’re becoming pretty pessimistic,” Burman said via the Casper Star-Tribune.

That is the big issue for Wyoming and other schools that want to make up a slither of that football money lost from no fans in the seats. These “buy” basketball games go both ways, the school coming in gets paid a nearly six-figures and the home team makes up well more than that on tickets alone, plus whatever in-game purchases are made.

These buy games are a way to stack a home schedule and include those in season ticket packages and the end result is more revenue. In the 2017-18 season, Arizona basketball averaged $433,733.63 in ticket sales per game, so paying out $90,000 for Wyoming to come to town is a great deal.

For a power conference team to go out and purchase a game now would be gambling big time because if no fans are in the stands, and that return on investment goes from being a sure thing to an albatross. So, do not expect the ACC, Big Ten, SEC and other power leagues to shell out at a check for a basketball that might net them no money and may not even happen.

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