What Cam Newton’s presence means for Jarrett Stidham with Patriots

Newton’s arrival means a quarterback competition in New England for Jarrett Stidham and the Patriots.

In case you have not heard by now, former Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton is coming to the New England Patriots. Signing a one-year, incentive-laden, deal that could earn him up to $7.5 million, he suddenly brings legitimacy to a potential quarterback controversy.

But because Newton seems likely to win that competition, it’s easy to wonder: What does the signing of Newton mean for Jarrett Stidham?

Prior to Newton’s arrival, Stidham was thought to be the front-runner for the starting quarterback position. Now, Newton puts a real wrench in that plan for Stidham. He will have quarterback competition heading into 2020. This means he better be on top of his game once training camp begins.

This situation could go one of two ways. First, Stidham could start all of the games New England plays. Newton could be on the bench in case Stidham gets hurt or struggles. In that instance, Stidham would undoubtedly be feeling some pressure to perform well. With New England up against the toughest schedule in the league, Stidham certainly has his work cut out for him.

Alternatively, Newton could be the starter in 2020. That would leave Stidham on the bench, with another year to learn and grasp the offense. This could mean he is relegated to clipboard duties for the upcoming season. Again, it goes back to the schedule. Would I necessarily want a first-time starting quarterback to face the hardest schedule in football? Now with another option in play, it might be worth it for the long term if Stidham set this one out

The signing of Newton gives New England the flexibility to allow the second-year signal-caller time to grow. With the schedule the organization has, it may be wise to let him develop. That of course would dash his dreams of being a starter for 2020. However, it may put the organization in a better path for future success.

The bottom line is, the signing of Newton means that Stidham has to be ready. He has to be ready for a quarterback competition. Before, Stidham could have taken it easy for 2020, and learned on the fly. Now, if he wants to be a starter, he has to prepare like one. With Newton only 31 years of age, it’s not like this is his swan song and he only has one year left to play. If he is healthy, he could end up playing a few more years in New England. There’s a possibility that it could happen.

Stidham has to really show that he is committed to winning the starting job. As of right now, the path for him to do so has gotten a bit more rocky.

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