Watch: Odell Beckham Jr. scores 3rd TD with Rams, does security guard celebration

Odell Beckham Jr. scored his third touchdown with the Rams and did a TikTok security guard celebration 😂

Odell Beckham Jr. is starting to heat up as a member of the Rams. For the third week in a row, Beckham has found the end zone, scoring three touchdowns with his new team.

He won on a slant in the red zone on Monday night for a 2-yard touchdown, beating the cornerback easily to the inside and Matthew Stafford did not miss him.

After scoring, Beckham pulled off a hilarious TikTok-inspired celebration with Van Jefferson, channeling the viral security guard by snatching the ball from Jefferson and turning it on him.

Here’s where the inspiration came from.

Most importantly, it put the Rams up 7-3 on the Cardinals, turning Ernest Jones’ interception into seven points – a massive swing in the game.