Dolphins’ Davon Godchaux teams up to donate backpacks to 150 kids

Dolphins’ Davon Godchaux teams up to donate backpacks to 150 kids

The Miami Dolphins have several initiatives at play as an organization to help boost the quality of life for residents in the South Florida community, currently highlighted by their Food Relief Program and the nearly quarter of a million dollars the Foundation has raised in less than two months. But individual players are also taking the chance to get involved on different fronts and make a difference, too.

The latest example comes from Dolphins defensive tackle Davon Godchaux, who yesterday teamed up with Dunkin and Breakthrough Miami to donate 150 backpacks and supplies to local school children ahead of the 2020-2021 school year.

This is hardly Godchaux’s first foray into charity, either — he’s been a constant fixture at events in the past and was the Dolphins’ nominee for the NFL’s ‘Walter Payton Man of the Year’ award in 2019. Godchaux pledged $100 for every tackle he made during the month of October to go toward fighting cancer. He’s been on hand for flag football tournaments and helped to donate beds to underprivileged children in the past as well — but his list of charitable efforts is much more expansive.

When asked about his charitable efforts in the past, Godchaux has been quick to point to his own upbringing and how he sees his platform as a chance to change the lives of the next generation for the better.

“Growing up, I didn’t have it all,” said Godchaux in 2019. “I wasn’t born with a silver spoon, so I feel like I always got the opportunity to give back, to give a little more, I always want to give back to the community and make sure giving back to the kids is always important to me.

“At the end of the day, I think the kids are the next generation. That’s the next group up. We have to make sure our kids are straight. Any time I have a chance to impact a kid’s life I think it’s always important because I feel like growing up somebody impacted my life.”

And here he is, in the middle of the uncertainty regarding the 2020 season and in the midst of a pandemic, continuing to let his actions speak louder than his words. While the Dolphins are facing a big decision on Godchaux’s status with the team beyond the 2020 season on the field, there’s little question this is one to be proud of no matter what off the field.