REPORT: NCAA to grant additional year of eligibility after coronavirus

NCAA will grant additional year of eligibility after coronavirus oubreak.

After the NCAA announced on Thursday that all winter and spring championships were cancelled, one of the biggest question was: what happens to the seniors who had their season ended early?

On Friday morning, we received the answer.


According to Goodman, “The NCAA’s Council Coordination Committee has agreed to grant relief for the use of a season of competition for student-athletes who have participated in spring sports. Committee will also discuss issues for winter sport student-athletes.”

He also stated that players in spring sports will get another year of eligibility, which is the right thing to do, especially since the season had barely begun, and their championships games were cancelled.

This is incredibly good news for many student athletes, including seniors who want to finish their final season in its entirety.

Roll Tide Wire will keep you up to date on this story.

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