MMA’s week out of the cage: Fighters react to world news

Check out the best social media posts from fighters and their lives outside of the cage in the past week.

Social media has become a significant part of the sporting landscape. But few, if any, professional sports match the level of interaction and personal access provided by MMA.

In an individual competition in which nearly every athlete is chasing the same goal of financial success and championship glory, it’s important for fighters to provide insight into their lives in order to connect with fans and gain followings.

Although the life of a fighter often can be mundane and repetitive, there still are moments of interest that take place outside the cage, ring or training room. Here are some of the most interesting of those occurrences from the past week.

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Fallout from George Floyd’s death

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I’ve been debating on whether or not I should post about what’s been going on in the world today. Although I’m not black and I’ll never know what it’s like to be a person of color, I’m married to one. My husband is black, and he’s told me countless personal stories of racial incidents he’s experienced throughout his lifetime and what it’s like going through life constantly being judged for his skin color. It saddens me that we live in a world full of such hatred. I dread the day we have kids of our own and they experience their first act of racism in school. Having to teach them as young children to stand tall and ignore the racism, and remind them that they’re loved no matter what! Even though I’ll never know what it’s like, I still experience a form of racism for being married to a black man. Every post on social media I make with him, I receive hate messages and comments of people judging me for being with someone outside of my own race – being called such horrible things I wouldn’t dare repeat. I feel bad for those people, and I usually block them and delete their messages/comments… the looks we sometimes receive from people out in public for being an interracial couple speak for themselves – judgement and disgust. God created each and every one of us on this earth and he loves all of us EQUALLY. We are not born in this world with hate in our hearts, it’s something we learn, and it’s frightening. I love my husband for who he is, regardless of skin color, and I pray for those people in the world who cannot see past it. Jesus called us to love one another, and that’s what we all need to do 🙏🏻 ✝️ #georgefloyd #justiceforgeorgefloyd #racism

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It's that simple.

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I normally don't post on stuff like this because it's always so controversial and causes ppl to dislike you if they have different opinions. And first off I am not anti cop and I personally know alot of really good cops out there. But here's my opinion. There's to many improperly trained, scared of confrontation police officers that were honestly probably nerds in school that got picked on and then get a little power and abuse it. This shit is ridiculous. These officers should be forced to train martial arts as part of their weekly job duties. Even if it was just doing a couple one hour classes of jiu-jitsu or boxing a week. Not just for them to be able to defend themselves better in a real combat situation but also if they are on ridiculous power trips like this then coming to martial arts training and taking some ass whipping in the gym will humble them and help get rid of these "I'm a badass" power complex some of them have. I'm not gonna speak on race but just my personal experience living in trailer parks and rv parks a good portion of my life in ghetto white trash areas I have saw tons of cops with these type of personalities who are on power trips. I also saw this same power complex by correctional officers when I worked a few months at a state prison here in Texas. They were complete nerds who abused power. Once again I am not against the police and have several friends who are of all ethnicities that are cops that actually do train jiu-jitsu and boxing and would never do some bull shit like this. #ripgeorgefloyd

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Uncle @snoopdogg took the words out of my mouth. Literally was saying to someone yesterday "its scary that the ones who shot up schools and churches get arrested while the ones who did non violent crimes were killed.". @officialspikelee portrayed the murder of George Floyd and others like him in the 1989 film 'Do the Right Thing' when the cops murdered Radio Raheem while he was implicating that he could not breath!! Now if this was portrayed in 1989 and it happens in 2020, did Spike Lee predict the future?! Or is this just something thats been going on forever and the justice system fail to address or handle because of the "Cops don't rat on Cops" motto! Its getting old but even worst its getting scarier. We have to do better! We have to hold our judicial/justice system accountable! We have to do better with hiring those who are sworn to "protect and serve"! How can we trust that our streets our safe from criminals when our police force are the ones putting us in danger?! I'm not saying all cops are bad, but how are we supposed to know which ones to trust. How can I (6'3" 240lb aggressive looking BLACK man) reach for my wallet without the fear of getting shot bc the officer "thought" I had a gun?! But then if I don't ill get slammed to the ground with force because I'm not cooperating!! Then plea for help or fight for air and they say "He was resisting!". So how do I handle this? Would you put yourself in my shoes? . . . #repost @snoopdogg So nice to the (white ). Mass shoootin suspects minutes after they killed 32 people combined But we die on the spot! #justice #georgefloyd #help #

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I have strong feelings and VERY real opinions on what we witnessed regarding this brutal incident. I put myself in this position which I have been in several times with my partners. No matter how much a suspect has pissed me off or angered me, ONCE THE HANDCUFFS ARE ON, IT IS OVER!!!!! Any extra punch or any kind of strike to a handcuffed suspect, “you are a punk and a coward”. Especially if there’s other Officers around you to assist. There are times when a handcuffed suspect still poses a threat and can be combative and dangerous. That’s a real scenario that happens as well and you address it, handle it till the force you use overcomes the suspects resistance. Force is never pretty to witness or use. However it is part of our job to use it when necessary. Let’s not get that twisted. There are more good Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) our there than those punks that shame our credibility and relationships we build with the community. Unfortunately, like every profession, their are also some bad apples. Those are circumstances beyond our control. Some people are just straight stupid and unfortunately some of those turds 💩 are hired. These are the punks that give us a bad name. I won’t apologize for not being politically correct nor apologize for being honest or candid. I’m just speaking from the heart and keeping it real. With that being said, this doesn’t give anyone the right to destroy, burn down or loot the community you live in because you choose to take it out on the innocent who are hard working and have no ties to the incident that sparked this level of ignorance. Especially attacking other LEO’s who are doing their jobs and more than likely feel the same way you do. JUST LIKE ME!!!!!! Please consider that before doing anything you’ll regret. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I’m not telling anyone what to do, however, be smart and do the right thing. God bless you all and be safe everyone. #alllivesmatter #bluelivesmatter #mikebeltran #refereemikebeltran #mma #bjj #wrestling #grappling #ufc #bellator

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