Mario Andretti hints at joining the NASCAR Cup Series ‘pretty soon’

Mario Andretti hints at joining the NASCAR Cup Series “pretty soon.” What else did Andretti say about the possibility of joining NASCAR?

The Andretti family has tried to join Formula 1 for several years, but its efforts were dealt a significant blow at the beginning of the 2024 racing season. Formula 1 rejected Andretti Global’s bid to join the sport in 2025-2026, meaning it has to wait even longer for an opportunity to join the racing series. Overall, it was a disappointing decision.

However, that doesn’t mean expansion plans will stop. [autotag]Mario Andretti[/autotag] joined Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s podcast, The Dale Jr. Download, and revealed a very important nugget about joining the NASCAR Cup Series.

“With [Michael Andretti] being involved in every aspect of our sport, that gives me reason to find a home no matter where I go,” Andretti said. “Pretty soon, it’s going to be a home even in [the NASCAR Cup Series], and I hope I’m still alive for that.”

Andretti hinted at possibly joining the Cup Series “pretty soon,” which would be great for NASCAR. Formula 1 may not desire the Andretti brand, but NASCAR would love to have the opportunity. Andretti has already built relationships within the sport at Spire Motorsports, so it will be fascinating to see what happens moving forward.

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