Jared Kusher says he will ‘reach out’ to LeBron James about NBA walkout

The adviser and son-in-law of the president said on Thursday that NBA players have the ‘luxury’ to take a ‘night off from work.

It seems pretty likely that LeBron James won’t take his call, or that a call won’t happen at all, but White House senior adviser and Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner took aim at James and the NBA on Thursday morning, while also saying that he plans to reach out to LeBron James to talk about “concrete solutions” to the issues which led to NBA players walking out of Wednesday’s scheduled games.

Kushner, who is also a personal friend of NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, said he would “reach out to LeBron” before taking aim at NBA players for having the “luxury” to take a day off from work without losing their paycheck, something that has been in line with Republican rhetoric towards the NBA for quite some time now.

Players of the Milwaukee Bucks, who led yesterday’s player strike, were calling the Wisconsin Attorney General on Wednesday as they were seeking justice for the shooting of 29-year old Jacob Blake by police over the weekend. Later on that day, players of both the Lakers and Clippers voted to strike the rest of the season. Two more crucial meetings will happen separately on Thursday, with the NBA players having one meeting and the NBA’s owners having a Board of Governors meeting as well, which will go a long way in determining whether the playoffs continue.

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