How to Infuse Kratom into Your Daily Routine

Mitragyna speciosa , commonly known as kratom, is a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, which has been making waves in the last few decades for its immense therapeutic abilities. Extracts from the tree are touted for their mild …

Mitragyna speciosa, commonly known as kratom, is a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, which has been making waves in the last few decades for its immense therapeutic abilities. 

Extracts from the tree are touted for their mild stimulant and opioid-like effects and their anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, antidepressant, and antiemetic properties. And while kratom is yet to achieve mainstream recognition in the global pharmaceutical industry, the growing interest in the herb might make it one of the most sought-after alternative medicine supplements in the future. 

As with most herbs, one of the best ways to unlock the therapeutic benefits of kratom is to carefully integrate it into your daily routine. This article discusses tips for infusing Mitragyna speciosa products into your health and wellness routine.

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Start With High-quality Products


Kratom isn’t as heavily regulated as other herbs like, say, cannabis. That should be great news for vendors as it translates to fewer entry barriers. And with a kratom retail outlet located at every turn, buyers are also advantaged in terms of choice and variety. 

Conversely, the lack of stringent regulations governing the kratom industry provides a potential breeding ground for unscrupulous dealers. That underscores the importance of sourcing high-quality kratom products from reputable dealers like Big Bear Kratom. 

Big Bear Kratom deals in kratom for sale to retailers and end users. The company only supplies products that have undergone rigorous testing by third-party laboratories to guarantee their safety and efficacy. 

It also offers different kratom formulations in a variety of potencies. And despite dealing in premium-quality supplements, the vendor’s products are reasonably priced.

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Understand the Strains


Mitragyna speciosa exists in multiple strains, depending on the color of its leaf veins and its native range within the expansive Southeast Asia region. The three most popular kratom strains by leaf vein hues include White Vein Kratom, Green Vein Kratom, and Red Vein Kratom. 

It’s important to understand the effects of each strain as that will impact how and when to infuse it into your daily routine.

White Vein Kratom

White vein kratom is generally stimulating. This strain is associated with uplifting and energizing properties. It’s what usually comes to mind when discussing kratom’s euphoric effects. 

The best time to consume white vein kratom is in the morning hours. Incorporate measured doses of the strain into your breakfast routine to increase your daytime productivity. 

Other ideal times to infuse white vein kratom into your daily routine are before hitting the gym and taking a mental test.

Red Vein Kratom

Red vein kratom produces the exact opposite effects as white vein kratom. This strain is more soothing and relaxing. 

Red vein is the perfect kratom strain for combatting mental problems like stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The strain may also help relieve pain, alleviate inflammation, and treat nausea. 

Due to its sedating properties, the best time to infuse red vein kratom into your daily routine is late in the evening after a hectic day in the office. The strain’s relaxing benefits might come in handy in helping you wean off workplace stress and enable you to fall asleep much faster. 

Green Vein Kratom

Green vein kratom produces a blend of the-vein and red-vein kratom effects. This kratom strain is mildly stimulating and mildly sedating. 

Therefore, the green vein effectively treats all medical conditions for which kratom is generally prescribed. The strain can also be consumed any day, provided it’s moderately administered.

Choose Your Formulation


Like most herbs, kratom comes in several formulations. Each form has its perks and drawbacks. 

The common ways to administer kratom include;

  • Kratom tea (made from leaves or powder)
  • Pills and capsules
  • Kratom tinctures
  • Other kratom-infused products, such as gummies, chocolates, and baked goods
  • Smokable pre-rolls
  • Kratom e-liquids

Kratom edibles are easier to infuse into your daily routine. You can quickly incorporate them into your breakfast and other meals of the day. Products like kratom-infused gummies offer extra discretion due to their striking resemblance with regular gummy bears. 

However, kratom edibles take longer to kick in as they must first undergo a complete digestion process. If you’re looking for faster-acting delivery methods, consider vaping kratom e-liquids, smoking kratom pre-rolls, or administering kratom tinctures sublingually (underneath the tongue). 

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Practice the Rule of Moderation


Mitragyna speciosa has proven the least effective if overdosed. Besides, consuming too much of the herb might cause adverse effects. 

Therefore, another best practice to infuse kratom into your daily routine is to go slow on it. That’s especially true if you’re new to the herb. 

Many anecdotal reports cite five grams of kratom thrice daily as the most effective dosage. However, it’s important to note that each user has their ideal dose when it comes to kratom. As a new user, your best bet is to begin low and build momentum slowly until you can hit your sweet spot. 

Remember to watch out for adverse effects like nausea and erectile dysfunction (ED). Stop taking kratom and consult your doctor if the side effects are severe and last longer than 24 hours. 

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Wrap Up

Kratom undeniably boasts numerous therapeutic properties. However, you’ll only be able to enjoy the herb’s pharmacological benefits by carefully integrating it into your daily routine by following the above-listed tips.