How the new load management rules will change the NBA

The central goal of these rules is to ensure the best players are available to play, but achieving this balance proves to be a complex challenge.

The new load management rules in the NBA that the league is calling its “player participation policy” or PPP have sparked discussions and debates among fans, players and experts.

The Athletic’s “NBA Show” podcast recently featured an interview with Jeff Stotts, a certified athletic trainer and sports injury expert, who shares his insights on how these rules might affect the league. The central goal of these rules is to ensure the best players are available to play, but achieving this balance proves to be a complex challenge.

Stotts highlights the four key stakeholders in this issue: the league, teams, players and fans. Each group has its own interests and concerns. The league is trying to provide the best product. Teams want to manage player health and performance. Players seek to stay competitive while minimizing injury risk. Fans desire to see their favorite players in action.

Can something that makes all four stakeholder groups happy end up being the outcome?

Check out the clip embedded above to hear Stotts’ point of view.

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