How has COVID-19 impacted Dan Mullen’s compensation?

As the COVID-19 pandemic has progressed this year, the financial impact has been felt immensely by a number of programs around the country.

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As the COVID-19 pandemic has progressed throughout the year, the financial impact has been felt immensely by a number of programs around the country.

Several coaches at top schools around the country have seen alterations to their bonus arrangements, and many have even had to take pay cuts, such as Michigan’s Jim Harbaugh, who saw his salary reduced by more than half a million dollars.

Florida coach Dan Mullen was spared a pay cut, although his performance bonus package didn’t remain intact.

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Mullen, who’s the nation’s eleventh-highest paid coach, is in the third season of a six-year deal that pays him just over $6 million annually. He will see that full amount, but his pension contributions were discontinued for one year and he will not receive any bonuses until the 2021 season.

Several coaches who are paid more than Mullen are taking pay reductions this fall, including Harbaugh, Penn State coach James Franklin and Oklahoma coach Lincoln Riley.

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