Golden Knights fans belted ‘My Own Worst Enemy’ as Vegas went up big in Game 5 and it was awesome

“Please tell me, please tell me whyyyyyyyyyy.”

Whether it’s Virginia Tech women’s basketball, or Oregon football, we always love it when sports fans break out in song. On Tuesday night, it was hockey’s turn.

As the Golden Knights raced out to a big 6-1 lead in the second period of Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals, Vegas fans started to get a little loose and have some fun of their own in the stands.

Midway through that period, Lit’s “My Own Worst Enemy” started playing over the loudspeakers at T-Mobile Arena and fans began to sing along. But even after the song cut out, Golden Knights’ supporters kept singing, acapella style, creating a pretty cool and unique moment.

According to DJ Joe Green – who plays the in-arena music for the Golden Knights – this is something that Vegas fans have been doing for a little while. He first fired up the 1999 track from Lit on a retro night during a penalty kill.

“I was like, ‘We are our own worst enemy. Now we’re in the box,’” Green told the Mercedes in the Morning Show.


It wasn’t really a sing-along moment, but fans loved it. So, Green kept playing it. And now it’s something Vegas fans look forward to.

“It’s just built up to this thing,” Green said. “I don’t want to use it too much because I don’t want it to get stale. But playoffs, I’m like, ‘third song, let’s do it.’”

Folks watching from home noticed it too.

The Vegas fans were in a big chanting and singing mood Tuesday night, later demanding that they wanted the Cup.