Dooley’s Dozen: 12 improvements Ben Hill Griffin Stadium needs

The latest Dooley’s Dozen gives you the 12 things he’d like to see done to spruce up the place.

It has been a hot topic in Gainesville whether on radio shows or sports bars or even the kids’ recitals.

Florida is giving the Swamp a facelift and there are Gator fans who fear the new look will be more like Mickey Rourke and less like Dolly Parton.

The price tag is high at $400 million but that price is only going to get higher as this starts to unfold.

I have been asked about building a whole new stadium at a different site. Take that $400 million and double it. Then double it again. That probably would be the ballpark to start from scratch.

So, over the next few years, we’re going to see a lot of tall cranes on Stadium and Gale. The latest Dooley’s Dozen gives you the 12 things I’d like to see done to spruce up the place.