A laughable Angel Hernandez call sparked a heated exchange with the Yankees

Of course.

Whenever a team has Angel Hernandez as the umpire behind home plate, they know that they’re going to be in for a frustrating night. Hernandez, who is widely regarded as the worst umpire in baseball, was back at it again on Wednesday.

This latest incident came in the seventh inning with the Yankees trailing the Phillies by four runs. With Mike Ford facing a full count, Hernandez rung up the Yankees first baseman on a pitch that was well inside.

Ford — justifiably frustrated — had some choice words about the call. But shouting from the dugout resulted in Yankees third base coach Phil Nevin getting ejected. Before heading back to the clubhouse, though, a heated Nevin had a socially distanced exchange with Hernandez.

The call was terrible. Just take another look:

Reporters at the game could hear Nevin tell Hernandez, “We all know you don’t want to be here.”

The strikeout helped Philadelphia get out of the inning, and the Phillies went on to win, 11-7.

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