A ‘fire tornado’ hits California in latest apocalyptic moment in 2020

Fire tornado? Fire tornado.

I’m not saying the apocalypse is here, but after a global pandemic, murder hornets, and now a fire tornado, uh … it seems pretty apocalyptic-y right now.

That’s right: A fire tornado. The ultra-rare weather phenomenon hit California on Saturday, when a brush fire got caught up in a tornado that ripped through the area. The fire got yanked up into the cyclone, and you could see smoke billowing up and out as the tornado ripped through the area.

It’s horrifying, very much of this year, and yes, there was video:


As Washington Post meteorologist Matthew Cappucci explained, this may be the first time we’ve seen something like this happen before.

Luckily, it doesn’t appear that anyone was hurt in the fire tornado. And if you had “fire tornado” in Apocalypse Bingo, make sure you fill out your square. Good stuff everyone.

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