Watch: Emeka Egbuka scores long touchdown

Watch: Emeka Egbuka scores long touchdown #GoBucks

The Ohio State football team has kicked off against the Marshall Thundering Herd and despite the defense coming out slow, the offense looks just as explosive as last time we saw it. Usually, these articles have been focused on freshman phenom, Jeremiah Smith, but the opening touchdown today goes to the underrated upperclassman, Emeka Egbuka.

Down by a touchdown already, the Buckeyes came out of the gate with something to prove and a beautiful screen was completed from Will Howard to Egbuka for an impressive 68 yards. Ohio State is expected to beat Marshall by more than six touchdowns and this offense will need to keep moving fast to reach those expectations.

Currently two offensive plays into the game, Egbuka is the leading receiver with one reception for a 68-yard touchdown and the Buckeyes are tied with the Thundering Herd with plenty of time left on the board. Check out the highlight of the touchdown below.

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