WWE SmackDown results: Solo Sikoa gets family help to beat Matt Riddle

No DQ but also no allies for Matt Riddle on Smackdown. So how did he fare against Solo Sikoa?

Matt Riddle comes out of nowhere, appearing behind Solo Sikoa and catching him by surprise before the opening bell. The Enforcer of the Bloodline shrugs off that attack and clotheslines Riddle to the mat, then sends him down again with a high elbow.

Riddle catches Sikoa running into the corner with a bit of a leg triangle, but Solo simply powers forward and slams his foe down, covering for two. Solo is the first to look under the ring for plunder, bringing out a pair of kendo sticks.

There are chairs in the ring now too, but it’s the kendo stick that Riddle tastes first. An overhead kick scores for Riddle before he’s sent to the floor, and the fans chant for tables. Riddle grabs a kendo stick and starts wearing Sikoa out, forcing him to seek refuge on the floor.

Riddle gives the people what they want, grabbing a table, but Sikoa stops him from setting it up. A moment’s hesitation allows Riddle to throw Solo into the steps and then launch off them into a Broton.

After commercials, Solo wants a uranage onto some chairs, but he settles for a suplex instead and covers for two. A chair helps Riddle make his rally, and all those kendo stick shots don’t hurt either.

Now Riddle has two chairs set up and he suplexes Sikoa onto them and looks dismayed when that only earns a near fall. To the outside they go again, and that goes poorly for Riddle as he gets hurled across the announce table. This time Riddle uses his legs to avoid having the table pushed over on him, and they fight to the top of the table.

Samoan Spike? Nope, a knee shot scores for Riddle, and he repays his foe by knocking the table over on Solo. Unfortunately for Riddle, the Usos attack him as a duo, dragging him back into the ring. Somehow Riddle is able to send them both to the floor, and he launches into a Floating Bro on Jimmy and Jey.

A look of disbelief crosses Riddle’s face as he looks across the ring and sees Sikoa rising, in time to give him a uranage on the apron. Solo calls for the Samoan Spike but Riddle ducks it and hits a knee. Riddle runs the ropes but right into a Samoan Spike, and that’s too much for Matt to kick out from.

Adding injury to insult, the Usos give Riddle a 1-D through a table. That’s unfortunate for him.

Click here for full WWE SmackDown results from Columbus.