Watch: Badger draft prospect drops hype video

With the 2023 NFL Draft right around the corner, former Badger edge rusher Nick Herbig dropped a hype video Friday night.

With the 2023 NFL Draft right around the corner, former Badger edge rusher Nick Herbig dropped a hype video Friday night. For those who are fans of the undersized athlete, the video brings back some good memories in the cardinal red and white.

Herbig spent three seasons as a significant member of the Badgers’ defense, becoming a star in his final two seasons in Madison. In his final two campaigns, the 6-foot-2, 227 pounder athlete combined to record 108 tackles, including 20 sacks.

With success stories like TJ Watt, TJ Edwards, Leo Chenal and Jack Sanborn in the NFL as former Badger linebackers, Herbig will attempt to be the next one up in the league.

See where Herbig and the rest of the Badger draft prospects get selected when the 2023 NFL Draft starts two weeks from Thursday (April 27).

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