Kevin Owens says he thinks he’s ‘a better good guy than bad guy’

K.O. answered the face/heel question the opposite way from many wrestlers.

It’s pretty common to hear pro wrestlers say they’d rather play the heel than the face, as it’s easier to get people to boo you than cheer you. Kevin Owens apparently begs to differ.

While K.O. has drifted effortlessly between the hero and villain roles on a number of occasions during his time in WWE, he’s currently back as a fan favorite on Raw. And while most fans would probably assume he’s more comfortable as a heel, he says that’s not the case.

Speaking to The Happy Hour, Owens noted the perception but offered his own feelings on his preferred role (h/t to Fightful for the transcription).

“I actually consider myself a better good guy than bad guy, believe it or not, but I’ve been told I’m good either way,” Owens said. “I’m just happy to be doing a good job one way or another.”

It helps that Owens generally has a no-nonsense persona that can be tilted to either side of the face/heel divide without much problem, depending on who he’s feuding with and how he addresses crowds. A notable exception was during his recent feud with Ezekiel (who has returned to being Elias in the last few weeks), when K.O. played the part of a paranoia-fueled bad guy who seemed to be the only person who didn’t believe that Ezekiel was Elias’ brother — a hook that was even more entertaining since Owens was right, in real life anyway.

With Roman Reigns firmly entrenched as WWE’s top heel who looms over both Raw and SmackDown, and top faces like Cody Rhodes still unavailable, it’s easy to make an argument that Raw needs Owens more as a good guy right now anyway. Happily, it appears that’s a role he’s very comfortable playing for as long as WWE needs him to do it.

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