Five hypothetical SEC trades that would make sense for LSU

In an imaginary world where college football had trades, here are five moves that LSU could make.

Very few discussions can eat up space like a good old trade debate.

Anytime the trade deadline rolls around in professional sports, fans wait on the edge of their seats eager to see what their team might do. College football has the transfer portal, but it’s just not as much fun as a trade. With it being the off-season, it’s time to look at what could happen if trades were allowed.

I’m not advocating for trades to be a thing in college sports. Since players are also getting an education, they should be able to choose which school they attend and not be at the whim of a general manager like many professional athletes are. This is just a fun way to look at rosters for the upcoming year.

LSU patched up a few holes in the transfer portal this year, but there are still some glaring needs. It could use a tight end, and there are some SEC teams that have a tight end to give away. The Tigers are also well positioned at other places, such as running back, where they have some room to trade a player away.

In the imaginary world of college football trades, here’s what would make the most sense for LSU.