Garnett won them all over by …

Garnett won them all over by immediately putting himself last – or in this case third. “It was one of the first meetings or film sessions that we had, and he voluntarily said, We’re going to run this offense – well, he said it in KG of course so you can imagine what he said – through Ray and Paul,” said Kendrick Perkins. “Perk, we’re going worry about defense. Right then he set the tone for sacrifice. No disrespect to Paul. No disrespect to Ray, those guys are both in the Hall of Fame. It’s better to be in the Hall of Fame. “But everyone knew KG was the best basketball player on that team. For him to come in and set the tone, and take a back seat to Ray and Paul from the jump? It set the tone for everything. He let Doc hold him accountable. With that being said, when Doc was able to call him out, yell at him on the floor, then everybody else had to fall in line. Who was going to argue with that?”