14 games with TBD release dates we want to see more of in 2022

Some of these might launch in 2022, some might come later, but we’d still love to see an update from all of them before the year is out.

That went quickly, didn’t it? 2021 might have been a disaster, but most years are when you’re an intelligent biped who is cursed with the knowledge that we’re all just meat walnuts on stalks, powered by electric signals. 

At least it was over fast, eh – mercifully so. Who knew that playing video games and barely going outside for over a year would make time go by so quickly?

Since we’re now all conditioned to love our home prisons, let’s take a look forward to 2022 and smack our lips together at the prospect of more brilliant video games. Ah, that’s the stuff, push that existential crisis to the side. Ahhh. 

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Some of these might launch in 2022, some might come later, but we’d still love to see an update from all of them before the year is out – a shiny new trailer would even do the trick. Details are pretty thin on the ground for most of these, but there’s just enough information out there to begin the hype cycle and forget the whole meat walnuts thing (we will never forget the meat walnuts thing). 

With that in mind, here are some of the most exciting games coming in the next year or two.