One Notre Dame football player tests positive for COVID-19

Notre Dame players were tested for COVID-19 last week and the good news is just one came back positive.

Of the 91 Notre Dame football players and 50 staff members tested for COVID-19 last week, the results are back and one test did come back positive.

That player has not been identified but has been asymptomatic and is now self-isolating.  Four additional players tested positive for the COVID-19 antibody.

Although it’s not perfect, that’s about as good of news that anyone could have possibly hoped for considering what we’ve recently seen at Clemson, LSU, Kansas State and plenty of other college campuses.

Again, it’s not perfect but all things considered, just one positive test of the over 140 administered is good news. Now can Notre Dame keep it that way and can other universities see their numbers drop?

Voluntary workouts ahead of the 2020 football season began Monday at Notre Dame.  The NCAA doesn’t allow teams to start required team activities until July 12.