WATCH: Sam Darnold talks COVID-19 and flattening the curve

Sam Darnold talks with Dr. Jan Schwarz-Miller from Atlantic Health System about COVID-19.

Sam Darnold is doing his part to educate himself and others on COVID-19.

The Jets quarterback recently spoke with Dr. Jan Schwarz-Miller from Atlantic Health System in a YouTube video. In the video, the two discussed precautions to take, how to help flatten the curve and how contagious the virus is, among other things.

Here’s the video below:

It’s important for athletes such as Darnold to further educate themselves on this harmful disease. When sports do ultimately return, athletes will face a unique set of challenges in combatting the virus.

Players may have to socially distance themselves, play without fans and take measurable precautions before entering a stadium.

At the same time, Darnold’s participation in discussions like this one help get important information to the public. So it’s good to see the quarterback spreading knowledge as the world tries to slow the spread of COVID-19.