2020 NFL Draft Odds, Predictions, Betting Lines: 1st Overall Pick

2020 NFL Draft: Odds, Betting Lines and Advice, and Predictions for the 1st Overall Pick

2020 NFL Draft: Odds, Betting Lines and Advice, and Predictions for the 1st Overall Pick

The 2020 NFL Draft is still going off on April 23rd, and with no other sports going on like normal, it might be the most watched draft ever.

And there’s betting on it.

BetMGM has lines, odds, and wagering on the 2020 NFL Draft, and if you’re in the right state, click here to bet on any and all of it.

Who will be the first overall pick in the NFL Draft, and who’ll go second?

2020 NFL Draft Odds, Predictions, Betting Lines: 1st, 2nd Overall Picks

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1st Overall Pick

At the moment, the Cincinnati Bengals have the No. 1 overall pick, and they’re going to take Joe Burrow. However …

If they want to go a different direction, they can trade down.

Miami has three first round picks – the 5, 18 and 26. It has made no secret that it would love to have Burrow, and it has the picks to give the Bengals a sweet deal to jump up to the 1.

Can the Patriots figure something out, and do they want to? Bill Belichick has the 23rd overall pick, three third rounders, and a whole lot to work with in 2021.

CFN in 60: 2020 1st Overall Draft Pick Odds
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But no matter what, Burrow appears set to be the No. 1 guy up top.  That’s why there’s no value whatsoever.

So in terms of betting value, there’s little to gain from going with Burrow. If you’re going to go with a shot for the stars, it’s possible Cincinnati is in love with Justin Herbert – the Oregon quarterback has far better tools than Burrow – or even  decide that it’s not going to mess around and take Chase Young.

Would Bengal fans be that mad if an elite pass rusher goes first, and their team tries to fill the quarterback void – in a buyer’s market – through trade, free agency, or with a Jacob Eason or Jake Fromm with the 33rd overall pick?

Using a combination of likelihood and value for the bet, rank the 2020 NFL Draft First Overall Picks on the BetMGM board like this …

1. QB Joe Burrow, LSU -3334
2. DE Chase Young, Ohio State +1100
3. QB Justin Herbert, Oregon +3600
4. QB Tua Tagovailoa, Alabama +1900
5. LB Isaiah Simmons, Clemson +10,000
For the full list of 1st overall pick odds

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