Meet Ben Bartch, the latest small-school Senior Bowl star

Check out Draft Wire’s exclusive interview with St. John’s offensive tackle Ben Bartch

Every year, it seems at least one small-school prospect takes full advantage of Senior Bowl week, proving they can compete with some of the best players college football has to offer down in Mobile, Alabama.

One of this year’s biggest winners in that category? St. John’s offensive lineman Ben Bartch.

A punishing blocker who proved himself against top pass rushers, Bartch recently spoke exclusively with Draft Wire about his experience at the Senior Bowl, how he answers the “small-school” criticism, and what kind of impact he’ll have at the next level.

JM: By all accounts, you had a fantastic week at the Senior Bowl. That was obviously big for you as a small-school guy. How do you think that performance elevated your draft stock?

BB: I think it showed that not only can I compete, but also that I can perform well against some of the best competition in the nation. I think I did a good job of handling the opportunity that was given to me.

JM: Inevitably, some team is gonna sit you down at some point throughout this process and ask you about the lack of top-notch competition you faced on a weekly basis. How will you answer those questions?

BB: I suppose that I’ve never been phased by the fact that I come from a small school. I’ve been given the opportunities that I’ve been given and I believe I’ve made the most out of every single one of them. I’ve been blessed to play football at St. John’s. I made the most of my opportunity there. I’m not really phased by that. I’m gonna continue to perform well in every opportunity that comes my way.

JM: You’ve been training out there at Sanford Power, which is really one of the best facilities in the nation. How is the training process going for you so far?

BB: It’s been incredible. We have a very impressive staff out here. They care a lot about their athletes. They’ve provided me with tremendous support and resources throughout this process.

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JM: You’ve played both left and right tackle. Which do you think is your main position going forward?

BB: I think that I’m a left tackle. I’d be open to playing right tackle if that’s what’s required of me, but I believe I have the skill-set and athletic ability to play left tackle.

JM: Is there a scheme that fits you best going forward?

BB: Yeah, I really enjoy playing in any various schemes of run blocking and different schemes of pass protection. I’ve played in many different offenses. I enjoy zone run blocking very much. I’m open to any schemes. I just really enjoy playing football.

JM: What scheme are you most experienced with?

BB: As far as my college experience goes, we ran a lot of inside and outside zone blocking at St John’s. We ran some hurry up as a spread offense, as well.

JM: What’s your favorite way to demoralize your opponent?

BB: I think the intimidation factor is very important. I enjoy a good pancake. I enjoy finishing a guy off through the whistle. I think those things really set the tone. They understand that it’s personal when you’re blocking them through the whistle. You have to protect your quarterback at all costs. It goes back to the pancakes. I enjoy taking souls, so to speak.

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JM: Who were the best pass rushers at the Senior Bowl?

BB: I thought that Terrell Lewis from Alabama was a really good player. I also thought that Robert Windsor from Penn State was a really smart player.

JM: Do you have a preferred pass set?

BB: I think I’m more of an angle setter than anything. The pass set varies from alignment to alignment, and it really depends on the type of play or the type of drop of the quarterback. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I have a favorite, but I do incorporate an angle set more than anything, though.

JM: The year was 1964. That was the last time a player from St. John’s was drafted. You’re about to end a 56-year drought. How does that feel?

BB: It’s definitely a unique accomplishment. In my eyes, what’s important to me is not necessarily being a guy from St. John’s that gets drafted, but rather being a guy from St. John’s that really pans out and contributes to his team. The aim is to have a great NFL career. That’s my approach. It’s a great thing to represent the school, though.

JM: Certainly the ultimate goal is to pan out, but it’s an incredible accomplishment nonetheless. Everyone there must be so proud of you.

BB: They sure are (laughs). It’s such a big family. It feels like mom and dad coming to all your games but at St. John’s, it’s a big extended family. The entire community really gets behind you.

JM: Is there one NFL quarterback that you’d love to block for?

BB: To be honest, not in particular. I have players that I certainly admire, but I’d be willing to block for whatever quarterback and whatever franchise drafts me.

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JM: Who are those guys that you admire?

BB: I think it would be pretty cool to block for Marcus Mariota. I know he’s not the starter right now, but I really respect him and what he did for the Tennessee Titans. Russell Wilson is another one. That would be pretty cool. I grew up watching both of those guys. There’s so many great quarterbacks out there.

JM: Marcus Mariota is an interesting answer. He’s a terrific person. What makes him come to mind?

BB: He has such a unique skill-set as a leader. He leads by example. I think that he really cares about his offensive line. When you’re an incredible person off the field and you understand that you’re in the position that you’re in because of the teammates around you, an offensive linemen wants to serve and protect for a guy like that. I’ve met him once, and he just strikes me as a very respectable individual.

JM: It sounds like he left a lasting impression on you.

BB: I just met him briefly a few weeks ago. I had the opportunity to introduce myself. I grew up in Oregon. He was the bees knees, as they say. He’s the type of leader that doesn’t seek the limelight. He never makes it about himself. I respect that in a lot of ways. He’s such a humble person. You wanna be friends with that guy. I enjoyed being around him.

JM: You grew up in Oregon while he was playing his college football there?

BB: Yes, I was. I was born and raised in Oregon. I was in middle school while he was playing at The University of Oregon. He was playing very elite football throughout that time.

JM: What kind of impact is Ben Bartch going to make at the next level?

BB: I hope to be a player that becomes an excellent contributor for whichever organization I play for. I know that I’ll be a terrific teammate to everyone in the locker room. I’m a hard worker. My goal is to ultimately win championships. That’s what I’m all about. That, and being a great teammate.

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