Nate Diaz had a very Nate Diaz response to the Miami Herald’s false story about him

The newspaper falsely reported Wednesday that Nate Diaz was arrested in Miami, and the UFC star issued a brief statement.

It was a bizarre Thursday for [autotag]Nate Diaz[/autotag], to say the least.

During the morning hours on the West Coast, the Miami Herald dropped a bombshell by linking Diaz to an alleged domestic violence incident that resulted in his arrest and being “hospitalized after he attacked Miami cops at a police station.”

It didn’t take long for Diaz’s publicist, Zach Rosenfield, to denounce the entire report and threaten legal action. As it turned out, the story indeed was false about one critical detail: It was another MMA fighter, a local guy by the name of Michael Albert Nates, who was involved in the alleged incident. Because “Nates” … Nate … I guess that’s how Diaz got caught up in this? I don’t know, but the Herald retracted its story and issued a correction and an apology.

Although Rosenfield spoke out on Diaz’s behalf almost immediately, we’d yet to hear from Diaz himself until hours later Thursday night, and he responded in a very Nate Diaz way on Instagram.

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I’m not even in Miami tho

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I’m not even in Miami tho

Being linked to domestic violence by a respected newspaper can’t be fun, but at least Diaz seems to have a good attitude about the whole thing. Knowing that he’s got a solid case for defamation of character and could come into some money as a result of this might also help.

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