Bachelor Power Rankings: Everybody hates Peter

Peter’s alienated the entire cast with his questionable decisions in Week 4.

Peter Weber may have screwed everything up in Week 4 of The Bachelor, and he’s worrying that his cast may walk out on the show after his puzzling decisions sparked a furor. We’ll be recapping each episode and ranking all the contestants weekly on FTW. 

1. Madison

Last week’s rank: 2

In an episode where Peter may have destroyed his relationships with a majority of the cast, Madison seemed to be least affected, and she stayed clear of all the drama surrounding Alayah’s return. Despite barely interacting with Peter, that’s more than enough reason to jump to No. 1 in the Power Rankings.

2. Kelley

Last week’s rank: 3

Like Madison, Kelley kept herself out of the squabbles that dominated the episode. Kelley also revealed herself to be a decent quarterback in the pickup game, throwing a game-tying touchdown pass just before time expired to send all 13 women to the cocktail party.

3. Lexi

Last week’s rank: 7

Lexi and Peter took zero steps forward in their relationship in Week 4, but she’s one of the very few women who doesn’t seem to be actively anti-Peter at this stage. Lexi did align herself against Alayah, and accused Alayah of only coming back to The Bachelor simply to keep herself on television.

4. Kelsey

Last week’s rank: 18

#ChampagneGate seems so far away for Kelsey, who surprisingly earned a one-on-one date in Cleveland, Ohio. Peter informed Kelsey immediately that Alayah had returned to the show, and Kelsey impressed Peter with her reaction, saying that she didn’t want him to have any regrets and to explore his relationship with everyone.

Kelsey and Peter spent the day exploring the city, and competed in a soapbox race against kids. That night, Kelsey opened up to Peter about her parents’ divorce, and said the experience left her with a “tough exterior.” Peter was so moved by the discussion that he began crying, and later rewarded Kelsey with a rose.

5. Victoria P.

Last week’s rank: 1

Where do we even begin with Victoria P.?

Victoria P. was a part of the football group date, but due to back issues, she sat out of the game and instead spent time cuddling with Peter on the sideline, which was a total pro move. Victoria P. would presumably have been left out of the cocktail party, but fortunately for her, the game ended in a tie, meaning all 13 women got to spend the evening fighting for time.

Victoria P. was the first person to steal people away, which enraged the rest of the cast, especially game MVP Shiann. Peter and Victoria had a pleasant conversation about cheering on their kids one day, and at that moment, Victoria P. seemed poised to end the episode as the favorite to win once again. Then Alayah showed up.

Alayah, seeking to clear her name, revealed to Peter that she and Victoria P. were actually close friends who talked every day, and had even gone on a trip to Las Vegas together. Alayah said she was in “physical shock” upon hearing from Peter that Victoria P. said she only knew Alayah for a few hours, and was nothing more than an acquaintance.

When confronted by Peter, Victoria P. admitted that she did go to Vegas with Alayah – and therefore misrepresented her relationship – but upheld that her truth is the truth, and what she originally told Peter that led him to eliminate Alayah was valid. She broke down defending herself to Peter, to the point where it was difficult to understand what she was saying.

(Normally, I would predict that being caught in a lie like this one would doom any given contestant, but because Peter has screwed up this situation so catastrophically, I think he’s more likely to either forget or forgive and simply try to move forward with whichever women will have him.)

Later on, Victoria P. turned the tables on Peter, and said in a confessional that his “mistake” of allowing Alayah back on the show is making her “question everything.”

Prior to the Rose Ceremony, several women confronted Peter about the way he handled the football group date and Alayah’s return, and he offered an apology to the group. Peter then asked Victoria P. if she wanted to go talk, and she accepted while loudly announcing to the group that she didn’t really want to talk to him at the moment. Victoria P. was furious with Peter for dropping her name to the group when discussing why Alayah was sent home, and felt that Peter made her a target. (This is the second time this season that Peter has outed a whistleblower, and we’re only in Week 4.)

6. Hannah Ann

Last week’s rank: 5

It was another quiet week for Hannah Ann, who was one of the many women who didn’t get any time with Peter after playing in the Bachelor Bowl.

7. Victoria F.

Last week’s rank: 14

Bachelor producers took their devious plotting to an entirely new level for Victoria F.’s one-on-one date in Cleveland. Victoria F. is deathly afraid of heights, so Peter took her for a plane ride above the city, and then to a completely empty Cedar Point, where they rode several roller coasters by themselves.

During a lunch, Peter and Victoria F. discussed the ideal number of children they hope to have, which is completely normal for a Bachelor first date. Peter wants to have an even number of children, so that in the event the family goes on a roller coaster, the kids will be able to sit next to each other in pairs.

Peter then surprised Victoria F. by leading her to a concert, and we got a fantastic extended close-up of Victoria F.’s face as she slowly realizes that the performer is Chase Rice, someone she describes as an ex-boyfriend. In a confessional, Victoria says that she and Chase dated before she came on the show, but doesn’t provide a clear timeline.

Chase Rice spoke about the incident in a radio interview, and said that he had no idea that he’d be seeing Victoria F. during the performance. Rice also refuted Victoria’s claims that they were in a relationship.

Via Yahoo!:

“To be clear, he said, he had no ill will toward Victoria, but he certainly didn’t categorize their relationship as “dating,” the way she did when she referred to him as her “ex-boyfriend” and claimed he asked her not to do the show. “We spent a night together in Charlotte, she’s a cool chick, from what I know of her,” he commented. “I got no problem with her. I got no problem with him.”

According to Victoria F., she broke things off because their lifestyles didn’t match.

Victoria was incredibly nervous to reveal to Peter that she had a history with Rice, and her confession turned into one of the most needlessly dramatic moments of the season so far. In reality, this was a funny coincidence and nothing more, and Victoria F. and Peter should have been able to laugh about it. Instead, Victoria F. walked away from the table while sobbing after revealing the connection to Peter (who also didn’t handle the situation very well).

Peter chased after Victoria F. and told her that he “respects the hell” out of her for telling him about Rice, and assured her that he’s not holding the past relationship against her.

Victoria F. should have made some serious progress in Week 4, but as long as every meaningful moment is potentially the end of the world, I can’t see her lasting long.

8. Kiarra

Last week’s rank: T-9

Kiarra has received less airtime than any other remaining woman by Week 4, but keeping yourself out of petty drama is always a good strategy in The Bachelor. If Kiarra can survive the next Rose Ceremony, she should finally be in a position to get some quality time with Peter.

9. Sydney

Last week’s rank: 4

Sydney commented in a confessional that she’s looking at Peter differently after he brought Alayah back on the show, and she made it clear to him how she felt about the situation in an eye-opening conversation.

“You don’t know anything about me! And we can’t even get there, because we’re dealing with Alayah 24/7.”

Could we be heading toward a rose rejection in next week’s Rose Ceremony?

10. Tammy

Last week’s rank: 6

Tammy was overjoyed at the prospect of tackling the rest of the cast in the football game, but surprisingly didn’t show up in many of the highlights in the show edit. Later on, in a confessional, Tammy referred to Peter as her “boyfriend,” which is just hilarious.

Sadly, the episode previews do not bode well for Tammy. She appears to get into a blowout argument with Sydney, and is shown in another shot sobbing in a confessional. While the previews are certainly edited deceptively to make you expect things that won’t necessarily happen, it doesn’t look good for Tammy.

11. Shiann

Last week’s rank: T-9

Shiann dominated the football game, and was completely unstoppable on the ground, rushing for four touchdowns to carry her team. She likely felt that her performance on the field was enough to entice Peter to make time for her at the cocktail party, but was taken aback when Victoria P. immediately stole him for a conversation. Shiann was still visibly affected when she finally got to speak with Peter, and told him she was “not OK” and felt “pushed to the side.”

It’s understandable that Shiann isn’t happy with the amount of time she’s had with Peter, but she presumably knows how this game works. No contestant is entitled to any time whatsoever, and you have to battle for every second. If you’re not first, you’re last, Shiann.

12. Mykenna

Last week’s rank: 8

Mykenna, who described Cleveland as “stunning” during the episode, cried in a confessional after not receiving the first one-on-one date in Ohio. She was unable to spend any meaningful time with Peter during the week, and is constantly concerned that he’s not going to get the opportunity to appreciate her heart, or whatever. She’s going to be a terrific cast member in Paradise.

13. Natasha

Last week’s rank: T-9

Natasha had one of the best lines of the week after the football game:

“Shiann, you should grab Peter first, and I will block for your [expletive] until you’re done.”

Shiann unfortunately did not follow Natasha’s advice. Later on in the episode, Natasha called out Peter for giving the group date rose to Alayah, who wasn’t even officially on the date.

14. Savannah

Last week’s rank: T-9

Savannah is potentially the only member of the cast who is pro-Alayah, which could become a problem for her later. She openly accused Victoria P. of lying about Alayah to the group, and revealed that she had witnessed Alayah and Victoria P. acting very friendly in certain situations.

15. Deandra

Last week’s rank: T-9

Deandra rightfully slammed Peter prior to the Rose Ceremony, telling him that she’s never felt “more underrecognized by someone,” and that she could barely stand to look at him. It’s possible Peter tries to make amends by giving her an apology rose, but this relationship seems to be toast.

16. Alayah

Last week’s rank: 19

Alayah crashed the post-football game cocktail party, stunning the rest of the cast and triggering a potential cataclysmic event. Alayah told Peter she wanted to clear up what was said about her, and made the case to Peter that it wasn’t fair that he made an informed decision after hearing every other woman’s “opinion” Alayah.

Peter probably shouldn’t have been swayed by this argument, but was blindsided by the revelation of Victoria P.’s friendship, and didn’t realize that accepting Alayah back into the fold was tantamount to signaling that he doesn’t trust the long line of women who raised red flags over Alayah. According to Peter, he’s “loved” everything he’s seen from Alayah so far, and invited her to come back.

Peter then compounded his error by offering Alayah the group date rose, and excused himself from the date without having talked to the majority of women who actually played in the game.

Naturally, it doesn’t take long for Alayah to get involved in more drama. Contestants on The Bachelor are completely cut off from the outside world during filming, and are not allowed to use their phones or access the Internet while they’re on the show. After being eliminated, Alayah was able to read all of the spoilers and speculation over things that reportedly happened, so she knew about Victoria F.’s awkward encounter with Chase Rice and the story circulated within the cast. Victoria F. was outraged by this, and promised vengeance on Alayah.

In an emotional conversation with Peter, Alayah says she’s being “torn to shreds” by the other girls, but isn’t sure why almost everyone in the house seems to despise her. She’s now a Paradise lock, which may have been her goal all along in returning.

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